Apres avoir travaillé  sur les acrostiches et les saisons les eleves de 5eme sont  restés dans la créativité et interdisciplinarité en écrivant leurs propres Limericks ....






Petite explication


Les Limerick sont de courts poèmes   humoristiques.

  Basés sur le schéma suivant A-A-B-B-A

 Très populaires  dans le système scolaire britannique , les  Limericks  laissent libre cours à la créativité …


 De  façon classique les premières lignes introduisent un personnage   et un lieu


 L’origine remonterait à la  ville de Limerick en Irlande  ( peut être véhiculés par  des soldats ) 


 Ils sont couramment pratiqués depuis 1845 !


  En voici quelques exemples composés cette année :



223 years ago, there was a big cat

Who was good friend with a rat.

One day, the rat and the cat left the zoo.

On the way, the cat ate the rat… OOOOOh !

The cat went  to prison because the zoo  was under attack !

Laura L.








 There once was a cat,

  Who ate a rat.


 When the night fell,


   The cat who played in the garden wanted to tell :



  Thank you for the rat !


Laura M.




             There once was a man who could fly,

                He always flew up in the sky.

               In the air , there was a scream

                   But he was in a dream

                  Poor you , you can cry !!!                



There once was a man named Shepherd

Who was in love with a bird

He wanted to know how to fly

He asked me to take him high in the sky

From him, that were the things that I’ve learned


 There once was a fish who could talk

He wanted to learn how to walk

He got out from the sea

Came right to see me

I nearly died from great shock



There once was a shark

Named Mark who lived next to the park

He met two big monsters

Who liked eating children’s fingers

They became best  friends with Mark









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